499 things you may not know about me

18 min read

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XOXORPprincessXOXO's avatar
not done answering yet

000 - What time it is now: 12:52
001 - Gender: Female
002 - First Name: Amber
003 - Middle Name: Lynn
004 - Last Name: D (i'll tell u if I want a stalker)
005 - Name You WISHED you had: Veronica (something other than Amber, something not common)
006 - Nickname(s): Bitch, evil little bitch, and a few others
007 - Age: 14
008 - Birthday: December 10th
009 - Place of Birth: Hamilton, Ohio
010 - Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign: Boar
012 - Weight: 98 lbs
013 - Height: 5'2"
014 - Shoe Size: 7
015 - Blood Type: idk
016 - Allergies: None
017 - Eye Color: light blue with speckles of gray and green
018 - Hair Color: brown
019 - Skin Tone: light
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: right
021 - Nationality: American (everything in me though)
022 - Location: Palm Bay, Florida
023 - House/Apartment/Other: House
024 - Country: United States
025 - Sexual Orientation: Straight

026 - Color: black or red
027 - Number: 87
028 - Letter: Z
029 - Word: (idk)
030 - Flower: (idk)
031 - Quote: "I'd rather be loved for who I am, than loved for what I'm not"
032 - Food: Tuna Helper
033 - Soda: any kind except Root Beer
034 - Music Genre: any except some Rapand Hip Hop
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: too many to name
036 - Song: too many to name
037 - School Subject: Art(don't have it) or History
038 - Hobby: idk
039 - Movie: too many to name
040 - Book: Twilight Saga? :shrug: idk
041 - Videogame: Final Fantasy games
042 - Animal: Horse
043 - Celebrity: idk
044 - Website: idk
045 - Anime/Manga: idk
046 - Candy: Sour candy
047 - Flavor: Strawberry
048 - Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
049 - Sport: idk, Soccer maybe
050 - Restaurant: that one Mexican place I live near

051 - Color: pink! UGH
052 - Number: idk
053 - Letter: R
054 - Word: idk
055 - Flower: idk
056 - Quote: "And why should I care?"
057 - Food: Asparagus
058 - Soda: Root beer
059 - Music Genre: some hip hop and rap
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: idk
061 - Song: idk
062 - School Subject: Math
063 - Hobby: idk
064 - Movie: idk
065 - Book: idk
066 - Videogame: idk
067 - Animal: spiders(practically any insect)
068 - Celebrity: idk
069 - Website: idk
070 - Anime/Manga: idk
071 - Candy: idk
072 - Flavor: shit flavored (don't ask, just dont)
073 - Ice Cream: idk
074 - Sport: Flag Football
075 - Restaurant: idk

076 - Family makeup: wait, wut?
077 - Number of Friends: too many to name
078 - Best Friend: Sheryl, Hope, Sam, Hana
079 - Newest Friend: idk
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.: single
081 - Crush/In Love: crush
082 - If so, who: umm...:blush: a guy I hang out with a lot, that's all u need to know
083 - Would you merry this person: idk
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all: yes
085 - Kids: Maybe
086 - If so, how many: idk
087 - Name ideas: idk
088 - Gender preferences for the kids: female
089 - Single/Group Dates: group
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together: i'm single...

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good: idk
092 - Life sucks: not all the time
093 - Love bites: sometimes
094 - Everyone loves me: F
095 - I hate everyone and everything: F
096 - I love God: i don't believe in him, sorry
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real: T
098 - Reincarnation exists: T
099 - War is the best way to go: F
100 - Abortion is right: F
101 - Gay marriage is right: T
102 - Go Pres. Bush: i don't get into politics
103 - Money makes the world go 'round: T
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister: idk
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys: T
106 - The media is a source of evil: T
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news: F
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed: T
109 - Good deeds are for losers: F
110- N/A <---- FAIL
111 - The human race sucks: sometimes
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool: F
113 - Parties are fun: T
114 - Funerals are always sad: T
[WTF No 115?]

116 - Sang in the rain: yes
117 - Swam in a pool of jello: no
118 - Do drugs: no
119 - Drink: yes
120 - Drive: yes
121 - Skinny dipping: no
122 - Shoplifted: no
123 - Cheated on a test: no...umm...yes
124 - Cheated on someone: no
125 - Been on a date: no
126 - Made out: no
127 - Virgin: yes
128 - Dumped someone: no
129 - Been dumped: no
130 - Recently ate cookies: yes
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating: no
132 - Cliff dive: no
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa: no
134 - Been to Hawaii: yes
135 - Contemplated a painting: yes
136 - Drew a picture: yes
137 - Headbanged: no
138 - Laughed so much you cried: yes
139 - Showered for over an hour: no
140 - Didn't shower in a week: eww! no!
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours: yes
142 - Got a detention in school: yes, but didn't have to actually go to it
143 - Failed a test: yes
144 - Failed a blood test: no
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over: yes
146 - Pushed when a door said pull: yes
147 - Pulled when a door said push: yes
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it: yes
149 - Went up a down escalator: yes
150 - Went down an up escalator: yes
151 - Fell down the stairs: yes
152 - Fell up the stairs: yes :blush:
153 - Misspelt the word "a": no, how could u?
154 - Sat down on an escalator: lol, no
155 - Tripped over yourself: yes
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone: no
157 - Was tripped by someone else: yes
158 - Choked: no
159 - Almost drowned: no
160 - Swim: yes
161 - Surf: no, wanna learn though
162 - Flew in a plane: yes
163 - Been out of the country: does Mexico count?
164 - Ate something stale: yes
165 - Crashed into a parked car: no
166 - Watched a Disney movie: yes
167 - Won an art contest: no
168 - Won ANY contest: i can't remember
169 - Played a sport: yes
170 - Called a jackass: yes
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this: sometimes
172 - Been thought of as "insane": yes
173 - Found a happy place: yes
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV: lol, yes
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV: yes
176 - Started laughing for no reason: yes
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day: yes
178 - Burped the ABCs: no
179 - Farted in public: umm....
180 - Tried to lick your elbow: yes, lol
181 - Succeeded in the above task: no
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill: yes
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong: yes, i put 3
184 - Skipped school: yes
185 - Got sick: yes
186 - Broke a bone: fractured, yes
187 - Broke a nail: fingernail or regular nail?
188 - Went under surgery: no
189 - Made fun of "n00bs": yes
190 - Lied: yes
191 - Lie on that question: no
192 - Been to confession: no
193 - Misspelt "grammar": yes
194 - Watched TV all day: yes
195 - Contemplated suicide: no
196 - Contemplated murder: no
197 - Had an imaginary friend: yes
198 - Blackmailed someone: no
199 - Been blackmailed: yes
200 - Took a survey this long: no

201 – N/A <---- FAIL AGAIN!! [<-----!]
202 - Think you're attractive: not really
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth: no
204 - Think you're "1337": no
205 - Pick your stereotype: idk
206 - Are you mentally disturbed: depends on the type of disturbed...
207 - Three words to describe yourself: crazy, nice, good
208 - Three words to describe society: crazy, money, idk
209 - Any mentors? (Name them): no
210 - Your last words before your death: "I wish I hadn't done that.."

PHOBIAS (Fear of...)
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents): no
212 - Anemophobia (Air):  no
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol): no
214 - Monophobia (Being alone): no
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia): no
216 - Angrophobia (Anger): no
217 - Zoophobia (Animals): no
218 - Neophobia (Anything new): sometimes
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions): no
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile): no
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles): no
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria): no
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing): no
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards): no
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized): no
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to): no
227 - Hemophobia (Blood): no
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors): no
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies): no
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks): wat the heck is that?
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books): no
232 - Batophobia (Buildings): no
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets): no
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!): no
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive): yes(buried alive)
236 - Pedophobia (Children): no
237 - Geniophobia (Chins): no
238 - Anginophobia (Choking): no
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church): no
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns): no
241 - Chromophobia (Colors): no
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces): no
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation): no
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal): no
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing): no
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness): no
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine): no
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat): no
249 - Thanatophobia (Death): sometimes
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists): no
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING): no
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th): no
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts): no
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms): no
255 - Hadephobia (****): no
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven): no
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored): no, it just pisses me off
258 - Genuphobia (Knees): no
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love): sometimes
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter): no
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines): no
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors): no
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles): no
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes): no
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly): no
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions): no
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth): lol, no
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets): no
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape): idk
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility): no
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks): no
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders): yep
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright): sometimes
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry): no
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning): no
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking): no
278 - Urophobia (Urine): no
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables): no
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions): yes

281 - How often do you go online: lol, it's my life
282 - Have your own computer: yes
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had: around 6
284 - Which do you have: mrsblack87, shadequeen, amberdonikowski, adonikowski, guinapiggirl55, and a few others
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists: idk
286 - What do you usually do online: rp, play games
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog: yes
288 - Message forums: none
289 - Do you like chain mail: no
290 - Spam sucks: i'm with ya there!

291 - What do you think of your social life: it could be better
292 - Consider yourself "popular": maybe
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in: the weird kids who always have fun
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys: guys, girls just think i'm competition somehow
295 - Get out often: not really
296 - Opinion on parties: looks fun
297 - Know a lot of people: yea
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level: idk
299 - Think society blows: sometimes
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in: no, i tried, it doesn't work

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend): i would dump then
302 - The person you loved most in your life died: i would mourn for them, but i would slowly get over it
303 - You went to space: i'd go to the moon and bounce around, laughing
304 - You flew a plane: i wouldn't do that if I was you
305 - Your house burnt down: i'd be mad
306 - You could talk to animals: that'd be so cool!
307 - You could read minds: talk about invasion of privacy
308 - The world was going to end the next day: i'd do everything I could today
309 - Electricity disappeared: i'd kill that one person who made that happen
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub: umm....help?

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
312 - Hot/Cold: depends
313 - Coke/Pepsi: either
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite: Mountain Dew
315 - Nestea/Lipton: neither
316 - Dial-Up/DSL: idk
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning: Air Conditioning
318 - Angel/Devil: both
319 - Love/Hate: love
320 - Laptop/Desktop: laptop
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs: bought CDs
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons: idk
323 - Democratic/Republican: idk
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other): Windows Media Player
325 - VHS/DVD: DVD
326 - Plane/Boat: Plane(unless it's a cruise ship)
327 - E-Mail/IM: IM
328 - Script/Print: Print
329 - Action/Drama: Action
330 - CDs/MP3s: MP3s
331 - Sink/Swim: Swim
332 - Left/Right: Right
333 - Up/Down: umm....
334 - Pudding/Yogurt: Yogurt
335 - Nestle/Hershey: Hershey
336 - Shy/Outgoing: Shy
337 - Rain/Shine: Shine
339 - Summer/Winter: summer
340 - Spring/Fall: fall
341 - Life/Death: life
342 - X/O: ummmm....
343 - Water/Land: water
344 - Yes/No: yes
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone: cellphone
346 - Black/White: black
348 - Dirty/Clean: clean
349 - Straight/Curved: straight
350 - Cookie/Cracker: cookie
351 - AM/PM: PM
352 - Drinks/Food: both?
353 - Offense/Defense: offense
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit: depends
355 - Arctic/Amazon: neither

356 - Do you play an instrument: no
357 - If yes, what is it: none
358 - How long have you been playing: never
359 - Do you participate in a sport: used to
360 - How long have you been playing: around 1 year
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well: not well, but i draw
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend: sit at home
363 - Anything you wish you were better at: drawing and talking to guys
364 - Do you have any weird talents: no
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed: hmm....20?

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy: :D
367 - Sad: :(
368 - Angry: :x
369 - Embarrassed: :blush:
370 - Thoughtful: :hmm:
371 - Laughing: :lol:
372 - Crying: :cry:
373 - annoyed: :x
374 - Scared: :iconscaredplz:
375 - Tired: :yawn:

376 - Your GPA: 2.333333 but I need a 3.0
378 - School's Name: why would I tell you?
379 - School Mascot: Bronco
380 - Favorite Teacher: Mr. Ghezzi
381 - What do they teach: History
382 - Best Subject: History
383 - Who teaches it: Mr. Ghezzi
384 - School Colors: red and white
385 - Public/Private: public
386 - Your Grade Level: 8th
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School: 2010
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School: 2014
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College: idk, too lazy to count that high
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school: the lunches

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away: walking
392 - Annoying: Samantha
393 - Amazing: me, joking :)
294 - Bang: shotgun
395 - Bat: vampire
396 - Business: work
397 - Car: Porsche
398 - Cooperative: not me
399 - Collectible: strangely, Farmville on facebook
400 - Dog: puppy!
401 - Destroy: bomb
402 - Dinglehopper: what the heck is that?!
403 - Evacuate: the building
404 - Everyday: life
405 - Flag: American
406 - Fool: joker
407 - Good: bad
408 - Grappling: hook
409 - Hate: anger
410 - Hyperventilation: breathing
411 - Icicle: cold
412 - Independent: me
413 - Jump: high
414 - Jester: joker
415 - Know: knowledge
416 - "Kool": bad spelling
417 - Love: boyfriend
418 - Living:
419 - Mourn:
420 - Mississippi:
421 - Never:
422 - Negate:
423 - Octopus:
424 - Orientation:
425 - Pee:
426 - Possibility:
427 - Queen:
428 - Queer:
429 - Resolution:
430 - Rearrangement:
431 - Super:
432 - Synthesis:
433 - Tomorrow:
434 - Testament:
435 - Underling:
436 - Upcoming:
437 - Venerate:
438 - Vocabulary:
439 - Work:
440 - Withdraw:
441 - X-Ray:
442 - Yes:
443 - Yeay:
444 - Zoo:
445 - Zeal:

446 - The beach:
447 - The mall:
448 - Home:
449 - School:
450 - Bathroom:
451 - Bedroom:
452 - The doctor's waiting room:
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated:
454 - The pool:
455 - The grocery store:

456 - Blow a bubble with gum:
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue:
458 - Whistle:
459 - Roll your tongue:
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out:
461 - Split:
462 - Contort your body in a weird way:
463 - Lick your elbow:
464 - Put your toes in your mouth:
465 - Eat a cupcake whole:
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM:
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano:
468 - Burp the ABCs:
469 - Cook:
470 - Finish the rest of this survey:

471 - Hungry:
472 - Thirsty:
473 - <--- FAIL AGAIN!..
474 - Bored:
475 - Tired:
476 - Sad:
478 - Happy:
479 - Anxious:
480 - Getting tired of this survey:

481 - The song in your head right now:
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer:
483 - The color of your underwear:
484 - Your current worry:
485 - Your current food craving:

486 - Movie you saw:
487 - Song you listened to:
488 - Person you talked to on the phone:
489 - TV Show you watched:
490 - Word you said:
491 - Food you ate:
492 - Person you talked to online:
493 - Grade you got on a test:
494 - Person you hit:
495 - Website you went to:

496 - What did you think of this survey:
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions:
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy:
499 - The last question: What time is it now:
© 2010 - 2024 XOXORPprincessXOXO
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